[Webinar] Explore the World with Virtual Payments

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In the demanding world of Accounts Payable (AP), it's all too common for professionals to find themselves entangled in time-consuming tasks. To alleviate these burdens, learn about the strategies and tactics employed by industry leaders.

In this session, you will glean knowledge on key best practices including:

  • Automation: Learn how to leverage technology to automate your AP processes, resulting in significant savings in time and resources.

  • Timely Payments: Discover techniques to ensure punctual payments, fostering strong relationships with suppliers, and avoiding unnecessary late fees.

  • Vendor Management: Understand the importance of maintaining clear communication with vendors, tracking performance, and ensuring compliance.

  • Risk Mitigation: Get insights on how to prevent overpayments, set custom controls for payments, and virtually eliminate risk and fraud through robust internal controls.

  • Policy Compliance: Learn how to ensure compliance with corporate policies, safeguarding your organization's financial integrity.

  • Data Analysis and Reporting: Unlock the power of your AP data to identify trends, track key performance indicators (KPIs), and make data-driven decisions.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn how teams can become stronger and continue to level up their technology and processes. Hear from Juliann Pless SVP at Edenred Pay, along with Stacey Mack and Jane Worrow from Grasp Technologies.

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